Sunday 29 June 2014

Setting the Wander Cloud

Many times I wondered what would it be like just to wander...
Snorkeling in Hawaii

I have seen places, corners of the world that have left me astound. I have met people that inspired me to set off for journeys longer I ever imagined and that have made me set destinations I never even dared to dream of.  But I realised that with a little patience and just a dash of courage the world serves spectacular views end experiences that are worth sharing.

I set up this blog, My Wander Cloud, to bring out these highlights of my journeys and memorable encounters.

Wanders around BC
Highway 1, CA

Sunset Beach, HI
Grand Canyon, NV
Mt. Baker, WA
Keyhole Hot Springs, BC
Joshua Tree, NV
Clouds over Vancouver, BC

Calakmul, Mexico

Pemberton, BC
Sunset over Vancouver Island, BC